Felipe Nobre Head Image

Hi there, I am Felipe Nobre,
a front end developer with a
passion for entrepreneurship and
growth hacking techniques.

Front end development is what I love to do. I have been doing it since 2011.
I like being part of the creative process and work close with creative people.

On this website you can check some of my latest works and experiments. I have been experimenting a lot with Flutter and finding it awesome.

The tech I love

  • Vue.js
  • Vue.js
  • Vue.js
  • Vue.js
  • Vue.js

Flutter Experiments

When I first tried Flutter I was a bit sceptical. Having logic, structure and styling all in the same place doesn’t make much sense for web developers. But I fell in love with it after the results I archived.

I tried many times to get into native development, but it wasn't fun at all so I have always dropped it. Flutter makes it so much fun to develop. It's quicker, more productive and I feel like I can do anything with it.
I still have a long path to go but in the near future I hope to be working a lot with Flutter.

Now I like to go to Dribbble and choose a nice app design and challenge myself with the task of making it real. Below you will find some of the ideias I found there and also some personal projects that I put together while trying Flutter.

Wedday app

Wedday app

Wedday is a share platform for weddings where guests can share their pictures with other guests and make it quicker to find everybody else's pictures.
This a personal project that I hope to finish soon and publish it on the App Store and Google Play.

Cooking App concept

Cooking App concept

This is an app concept from designer Pham Huy I found on Dribbble. I used this app to study page transitions and controllers in flutter, you can check it by swapping the recipes and clicking/tapping on them.

Favorite Cartoons App

Favorite Cartoons App

Cartoons, vivid colors, animations and transitions. What's better than that? Flutter! In this experiment I implemented a concept from Dribbble designer Brio6.

App profile concept

App profile concept

In this Flutter experiment I implemented some simple but nice animations created by the youtuber Daniel White aka Dansky. It is an app profile concept where he animates the page transition between the three categories (reviews, followers and comments).


Web Development

I have been developing websites for the past nine years and and I feel glad that I got to witness the evolution of the technologies.

I remember the hard times when I had to implement responsive designs for the first time and support IE6. I remember the time I had to make a website look perfect on an old Blackberry because the CEO of the company (LaRinascente) would check the website only from it.

It was so nice when jQuery came out and the mobile version of it helped a lot when mobile first methodologies started to gain traction.

Today we have amazing technologies and the browsers are flawless. Who would say that one day Microsoft would come out with one of the best browsers ever and be built on Chromium?

Indeed, things are much better and I am glad that I am still here developing web applications. We can do much more now, anything is possible.

Anyway, below you can find some of my latest works. Unfortunately I can't share the source code for all of them but I am glad to talk about any project on this website.

Flavy app

Flavy app

Flavy is a project I co-founded with a friend from Italy to help restaurants and pubs to serve customers more efficiently using smartphones as digital menus. We decided to test the market firstly in Milan but we had to put it on hold due to covid-19 pandemic.

Mauve Group Website

Mauve Group Website

Mauve is a leading provider of global HR and employment solutions and expatriate services. Mauve required their website to showcase a lot of services and pack a lot of features. This website makes heavy use of Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) plugin and contains many custom post types.

OCLU Website

OCLU Website

OCLU is an action camera brand that came to market recently. I worked on the website for a couple of years when I was the lead front end developer for WMP Creative and I can literally say that my hands are all over the place. Literally, the hand you see on the picture is mine.

Amerisleep Touchscreen Webapp

Amerisleep Touchscreen Webapp

Amerisleep is an American manufacturer of memory foam mattresses, they have some nice boutique stores to showcase their products.
They wanted to create a genuinely immersive in-store experience, and I was assigned with the task to create interactive displays to give customers the opportunity to gain more detailed information about the technology in the product, in their own time.